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Safety precautions & instructions:
Employee & customer safety is of paramount importance to us. To ensure safe operations & transportation of industrial gases, we have installed cylinders testing station (approved by the Explosives Department, Nagpur) at our facility. This testing facility is the only one of its kind in Nashik district.
We have also communicated safety instructions to customers for avoiding accidents while using these industrial gases -
1. Never use oil or grease of any kind on cylinder valves or fittings.
2. Keep cylinders dry and free from grit.
3. Never use a cylinder as roller.
5. It is dangerous to use oxygen for starting diesel engines, pressurizing oil reservoirs, paint    spraying, blowing out pipe lines and many other similar purposes for which air or nitrogen may    safely be employed.
6. If a cylinder has been accidentally overheated or damaged, advise the supplier at once so     that they may take the necessary precaution before it may be refilled.
7. Cylinders valve should be kept free from grit or dirt. Do not release gas into a closed room.     Avoid exposed fires in any place where compressed gases are stored.
We also create awareness through our periodic safety drives by publishing banners, leaflets etc.
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